7 Things You Need To Do Before Painting The House

Home makeovers just aren’t complete without painting. But don’t just pick up the brush and get to it. There are a few things to do before painting to make your home makeover officially brag-worthy.

Just like cooking, painting involves prep work. And when you take the proper steps, you set yourself up for a professional-looking job. But if you don’t, you’ll end up with a mess.

Don’t take all that time to paint just to hate the results! Keep reading to learn what you need to do before painting the house!

1) Make Sure You Have Everything You Need

You don’t want to get halfway through your project and realize you need more paint or a new roller. So, make sure you have everything you need, including:

  • Paint brushes

  • Paint roller

  • Primer

  • Painters tape

  • Protective sheets

  • Paint scraper

  • Drywall putty and sandpaper (if necessary)

  • 2 cans of paint (per room)

2) Area Protection

Protecting everything in the surrounding area is the first thing you should do, even before prep work. That means moving the furniture away from the walls and laying some plastic sheets to protect the floors.

3) Remove Old Paint Or Wallpaper

Remove any chipped paint or peeling wallpaper with a scraper. You may not get it all, but you’ll need to get as much as possible. You can sand or pressure wash the rest later on.

4) Wash The Walls

Outdoor surfaces should always be power washed a day or two before painting so that the walls have enough time to dry before painting. Even inside walls can get coated in dust and dirt you may not see now, but you will once the paint dries.

5) Surface Preparation

Paint goes on best on a smooth surface. So, you’ll want to patch up any holes in the wall with some drywall putty. Next, sand the walls to create the smoothest wall possible. Lastly, caulk any gaps between the walls and the trim so that the paint doesn’t seep into the cracks.

6) Apply Painter’s Tape

Painter’s tape is another thing people tend to skip before painting. But it’s so important! Using tape prevents mistakes and makes for clean lines. Even the pros use painter’s tape! So, get it onto the trim, electrical outlets, and other places you want to protect.

7) Start With Primer

The last thing you’ll want to do before painting is apply primer. Now, not many people use a primer. And you might not need to if you’re using paint that has primer mixed in. But, it really does improve how everything looks once the paint is dry.

Save The Stress! Call Davison Painting

The best way to skip all these steps is to hire a painter to do everything for you. Free up your time, and hire Davison Painting to do it all! From the prep before painting to the big reveal afterward, you’ll be glad you hired us every step of the way!

Contact us today to learn more about how our painting services can give you a brag-worthy home makeover!


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