4 Tips For Creating Your Own Color Palette

It’s time to choose a color palette for your home. But where do you even start? Sure, you can copy one from Pinterest or another source of inspiration. But why not have something that’s uniquely yours?

Color palettes aren’t just used to create a point of similarity throughout a house. They're made to invoke certain feelings and scream “you,” all while complimenting the rest of your house.

If you’re feeling a little lost when creating a color palette that fits your home and, more importantly, yourself, you’re in the right place! Let’s get into it!

Use Color Therapy To Your Advantage

If you’re looking to feel more productive in your home office or more relaxed in your family room, you should take advantage of the power color has over your brain. Warm tones stimulate and energize the brain, while cooler tones are calming.

Here are some more specific ideas:

  • Productivity-boosting colors, like green, are made for home offices.

  • Calming colors like blues and purples do best in bedrooms and bathrooms.

  • Red stimulates your appetite, so it’s perfect for the kitchen.

  • Yellow is a bright and happy color, which is best for bedrooms. However, bright colors are not recommended for those who struggle with sleep.

Always Think About Lighting

Lighting is everything when it comes to color. If you have too much (or not enough) natural lighting, the paint color on your wall will not match how it looked on the swatch.

Test out your chosen colors with swatches or test patches. Leave it to dry, and make sure to look at it in different light settings, like at night with all the lights on and during the day with the curtains open and the natural lighting shining through.

Take Inspiration From Your Decor

Compliment your home’s decor by using it as inspiration for your wall color. It works even better if your home has the same decor theme. You can also use offsetting to bring more attention to the decor. For example: offsetting dark-wood furniture with a bright color palette.

Doing this creates a cohesiveness that can bring natural peace to any room or a whole home. And it saves you the time and hassle of searching for a color palette that works with your current decor.

Always Sample Before Painting

Never buy paint before you know EXACTLY how it will look on the wall when it’s dry, and again, in different types of lighting. See how it looks in natural daylight and at night. You’d be surprised how different a shade of white looks in yellow lighting rather than in natural light.

You can get sample swatches from your local paint store. However, the number one way to see how the paint looks is to buy a sample can, paint a test patch, and let it dry. Then, you’ll know exactly what you’re getting into.

Ask Your Favorite Home Painter!

Are you lost in trying to create a color palette that’s just for you? Trust the experts at Davison to guide you through the process!

Let us make finding the perfect color palette easy while taking care of the heavy work! Contact Davison Painting to get your project started today!


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