The Beginner's Guide To Repainting Your Home

Has your home’s paint color lost its luster? Is it starting to look faded and dated? It’s time to repaint your home.

Repainting means you can keep the same color, but giving it a fresh couple of coats ensures that it looks as good as new and lasts even longer!

If you’re new to repainting your house, keep reading. The pro painters at Davison are here to guide you through repainting for beginners! Let’s get started.

Why You Should Repaint Your Home

Not everyone likes to change things up, but that doesn’t mean the present color doesn’t need a good refresh. Plus, repainting your home means it never gets the chance to become dingy. If you do it often enough, no one ever has to see the chipping, peeling, and other aging that paint undergoes.

How Often Should You Repaint Your Home?

You should repaint the outside of your house every 5-10 years. Inside, you should repaint at least every 3-5 years. That said, you should repaint as soon as there are any signs of aging paint.

How Long Does Paint Last?

Exterior paint can withstand more than interior paint, but that doesn’t mean it’s indestructible. Both interior and exterior paint last a while. However, other factors that limit how long the color lasts include:

  • Paint quality

  • How the paint was applied

  • Environmental factors like sun exposure, moisture, etc.

How To Tell If Your House Needs To Be Repainted

Again, you don’t always need to wait until your paint is old to repaint. Here are some of the signs that your house needs to be repainted:

  • The paint color is fading

  • Paint chipping, bubbling, peeling

  • Mould or mildew growing

When Is The Best Time To Repaint?

You can paint inside any time of the year since the weather has no effect inside. Many people opt for the wintertime since this is when we spend the most time indoors and because of that, we start to get bored with our surroundings. For the outside, summer and fall usually present the best conditions for repainting your house.

What Should You Do Before Repainting Your House?

Of course, it’s not as simple as getting right to repainting your home. Well, not if it’s been a while. Here are some things you need to do before repainting:

  • Make any necessary repairs

  • Remove as much old paint as possible (if required)

  • Sand the walls (if needed)

  • Clean the walls

  • Protect surrounding area

  • Tape wherever necessary

Can You Repaint Over Old Paint?

You can paint over old paint, but only if it’s the same color and there are no signs of damage to the paint. If there is, you should remove most of the aging paint and sand any remaining bits because unfortunately, you can't simply cover that stuff up with a fresh coat.

Should You Pressure Wash Before Repainting Your House?

Though it’s not always necessary to pressure wash before repainting your house, it is a good idea. Pressure washing is an efficient way of powering off dirt, grime, and old paint before repainting the outside of your home. Just be sure that the walls are dry before you start painting.

Is It Time To Repaint Your House? Call Davison!

Are you ready for your home to get back to looking its best? Davison Painting is here to make it happen. Take a look at our gallery to see what we can do for your home, and contact us today!


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