The Beginner’s Guide To Painting An Accent Wall 

Are you looking to change up your living room but aren’t committed to painting the whole thing? Do you want to highlight your new picture wall with a vibrant background? That sounds like a great reason to paint an accent wall!

Accent walls are a colorful way to make a change in a room and even yourself. It’s a design feature that is more than just captivating but also serves a greater purpose.

If you’re just learning about accent walls, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re covering the basics of painting an accent wall in your home. Let’s jump in!

What Is An Accent Wall?

An accent wall is a popular design trend where one wall of a room is a different color to accentuate it or pull your eyes to a specific focal point. It’s also a great way to spice up a room without going over the top.

Why You Should Paint An Accent Wall

Accent walls aren’t just good for the aesthetic of a room. People paint accent walls for a variety of different reasons, even using them to influence the way you feel. Let’s talk more about why you should paint an accent wall. 

Adding A Pop Of Color

An accent wall is a great way to shake things up without overdoing it with a bold color. This is especially useful with red shades since too much red can be overstimulating.  It’s also a great intro to bold color if you’re not sure about taking the full leap. 

Using Color Psychology

You can use color psychology to help enhance your mood or create more focus. For example, a green accent wall in your office to induce focus or a blue accent wall in your bedroom to help with sleep.

Accentuating Focal Point

Since our brains like to “spot the difference,” painting an accent wall is a great way to pull attention to a specific point in the room. For example, accent walls in the living room usually highlight TVs and fireplaces since they’re the typical focal points.

Where To Paint An Accent Wall

One of the two most important things about painting an accent wall is proper placement. It may seem easy, but it’s actually quite strategic. Again, your accent wall has to go somewhere you want attention to go, to highlight a specific part of the room.

Your choices may be limited, depending on the room. Bedrooms provide more options than living rooms. Plus, some rooms, like the bathroom and kitchen, just look odd with an accent wall.

Pictures, Pattern, or Plain Color?

The two most important factors in choosing how to decorate your accent wall come down to your decor and what you’re planning to put on the accent wall. What are you trying to accentuate?

If your decor is already full of patterns, it would be safe to go with a plain color, instead of patterned wallpaper, at the risk of making things too busy. For picture walls, you could go either way, since the wall color serves as a background.

Contact Davison Painting For An Expert-Designed Accent Wall

There’s more to painting an accent wall than choosing a vibrant color to go on a random wall. Like any design feature, an accent wall should serve a specific purpose. And the best way you can make that happen is by enlisting home painting experts to design and paint an accent wall worthy of all the hype.

Get started right now by contacting us for an estimate!


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